Magicals and self development,  Spells

Let the truth be known

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Truth spell

It is Valentines Day and for some the occasion might be slightly stressful, saddening and above all maddening… But fear not! There is something for us all. Sometimes the things we wish for is for others to see what we see. For the truth to be known and for us to be able to say:

“I told you so!!!”

This might be a small little thing, maybe a little misunderstanding, who misplaced the keys. It may also be things that tarnish your whole life. Maybe an ex partner who refuses to leave you alone or who tells porkies about you, to put you in the worst light possible. It may also be the total opposite, you see something fabulous in someone and wants the world to know how great this person is.

If this is the case, you could try this truth spell. It could be your special treat to yourself…

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Happy Valentines!!!!

This is what you will need for this truth spell:

3 smallish candles (one red one white and one yellow or indeed 3 white ones).

A red rose (a pink one will do)

A paper (I use tissue paper but anything will do)

Piece of red string

Something belonging to the person in question (if you do not have this, write the persons full name on a piece of paper and tie it to the stem of the rose).

a little bit of salt


Make sure you will not be disturbed! Spells can be controversial and make people feel uncomfortable so you got to make sure that you are in a comfortable space yourself. This is NOT about putting a curse on anyone and the intent is not to harm.

I like to do this spell wicca style, but this is about handmade and this is about your needs so a little bit of freelance moves are ok. I usually draw a pentagram, a circle and mark out North, South, East and West. Place the white candle in the centre and the other two next to it in a fashion that suits you. Start off with a short meditation to focus on the spell ahead. Use the salt to sprinkle a ring around your candles and drawing, at the same time call upon your spirit guides, the spirits and watchtowers of all directions and one or two archangels, I call upon Michael and Raphael but you may feel more comfortable with someone else. Also call upon people close to you who are in spirit, this is a case of the more the merrier.

Light the candles!!

Take a moment to gain strength and meditate on the intent. For this meditation, keep your eyes open! Looking into a flame gives your third eye / intuitive powers a bit of a boost! When you feel the time is right start to pull the rose petals off one at a time whilst saying:

Reveal yourself

Show yourself

Your glamours will fail

like these petals now fall

will be revealed

for all to see

naked and raw

so shall it be.

The truth shall be revealed.

Say these words 3 times, try to make the petals last. Let the words really sink in, take your time, do not hurry.

Put the naked stem down on the paper and direct both your palms towards the candles to put your healing energy into the spell. If it feels right savour this moment for a while, let the spell sink in, deeper and deeper.

When you feel ready, thank all your spirit guides, loved ones, archangels and watchtowers for the help in performing the spell. Finish with:

Harm to none!

Blessed be.

Let the candles burn all the way down if you can safely let them do so.

Conclude the truth spell

Cast a truth spell - learn important details that may let you progress in life
Cast a truth spell

Take the petals and disperse them outside. Put the remains of the rose, the item belonging to the person, the salt and some sage if you have it on the paper. fold it up and create a bundle. Tie the bundle into a small parcel with the red string. Put the parcel away in a safe place. Leave it there for the spell to further sink in and work in its mysterious ways. When you feel ready, about 1-2 weeks or longer after you performed the spell, burn the parcel. Do this somewhere away from places you frequently go to. It is a good idea to take some time to find your perfect scrapheap area where you can safely burn your stuff, remember to pick a spot where you are likely not to have visitors and onlookers, you will want to focus on the task.

Happy spell work!

Harm to none

Blessed be…

Want to try something else? Why not give our handmade spells a go?

Truth spell

Money spell

Love spell



Creative art

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  • Brandy Southwick

    Thank you so much for step by step instructions. Know it makes better sense how to do this spell. I can’t wait to visit the site and be able to read and do more spell not to mention learn some new stuff. Blessed Be.

    • Stinablogger

      Thank you for your comment. I will post more spells shortly. Blessed Be.

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