A clear channel psychic bath is perfect to use before doing medium work
Magicals and self development,  Psychic and Mediumship

Clear channel psychic bath.

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 Psychic development through a bath!

The Clear channel psychic bath is a tea bag, or rather a “bath bag” with subtly aromatic herbs. This product is designed to help you clear unwanted thoughts, further open your third eye and relax your body and in this way prepare you for a more fruitful psychic work session.

To be able to successfully carry out psychic work, it is important to be fully relaxed and clear your mind of intrusive thoughts. This can be a difficult process and we often find it difficult to fully let go of the busy lifestyle we lead.

Questions such as what to cook for dinner, who is picking the kids up from school, did I send that e-mail, I wonder if that customer will get back or indeed who just send me a text…. There are several tricks to get past this riot in your mind, the Clear channel psychic bath is one of them. Before you start there are a few precautions to take just to increase your chances of success. Make sure you will have this time all to yourself, no you are not being greedy, time to yourself is not a luxury but an important part of your routine and will enhance all aspects of your life.


  1. Switch off all man made room scents, man-made scents will numb your olfactory system, sense of smell. They will also make you less susceptible to the essential oils in the herbs. It is a good idea to go for a short brisk walk before your bath. This will clear your nose and your head as well as getting the circulation going.
  2. Write down all thoughts and have to´s on a piece of paper, or even better in a designated notebook. This way you can let the thoughts go knowing that you will not forget anything important. Keep a “To do” journal and tick things off as you go. At the same time you will get proof that you are actually doing more than you think. Do keep a notepad by your bath and where you meditate. If thoughts are bothering you write them down. You can let them go in the knowledge that they will be taken care of.
  3. Prepare Bath; light a few candles, these candles should be unscented preferably beeswax or stearin candles. Add a handful of Epsom salts to the bath (optional). Epsom salts contain magnesium which will help your muscles to relax. It has the additional benefit that it draws out impurities. Epsom salts is connected to weight loss, but this is not the main aim here.
  4. Boil the kettle! Put the bath bag in i big bowl and let it steep for a couple of minutes. This process will awaken the herbs.
  5. Start pouring the bath. It should be on the warm side of comfortable.
  6. Pour the bathbag and the tea into the bathtub close to the waterspout to get the scents mixing.
  7. Prepare some soft clothing so you do not need to go looking for anything. Likewise make sure your psychic workplace / place for meditation is ready. Switch some meditation music on if you like but remember that you need silence from time to time as well.
  8. Get in!!!
  9. Enjoy the bath, close your eyes, take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  10. Enjoy the bath for as long as it feels comfortable. Get out of the bath before you start to feel cold or you start to feel fidgety.
  11. Get into your comfy clothes and get straight into meditation and psychic work.

Try to get into a routine with your psychic work. Stay tuned for more tips on how to further your psychic abilities.

Clear channel psychic bath is available in our webshop



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