COVID-19, what a herbalist does in lockdown
Herbs on the news,  Holistic approach to common ailments

COVID-19 a herbalist in lockdown

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Covid-19 – What does a herbalist do in lockdown?!

We are all in the same boat, rich or poor this corona virus does not care one little bit who you are, it also do not care if you are young or old, fit or unfit – or does it? Well this is the fact we can actually play with. There is currently no cure for this virus, COVID-19 , scientists are trying out different drugs and therapies with limited success. However much I would love to say that I have a cure I cant! Having said that there are plenty of things we can do to keep healthy and increase the odds of survival if we get infected.

Basics for COVID-19 safety

Of course there are some COVID-19 basics that has to be mentioned here:

  • Wash your hands (and face) regularly with soap and preferably warm water. This is something that hit me this morning. In the UK most bathrooms still have one tap for hot and one tap for cold water, this is not ideal. Cold water do not wash your hands as well as warm but just using the hot water tap will scald your hands.
  • Wash your clothes in 60 degrees C. This will kill off virus stuck to your clothes. I’m of that age who was brought up washing a lot of things in 90 degrees and maybe, just maybe we need to revert to this practise.
  • Social distancing. It is recommended that you keep a distance of a minimum 2 metres. Bear in mind that 2 metres is a MINIMUM, the droplets from a sneeze can travel much further. Equine Flu virus have been known to travel up to 5km in favourable weather conditions ( The main thing here is don´t go out if you have a cough (new one) or have a temperature, follow the directions set out by the NHS. Do not meet up with people outside the ones you live with. KEEP THE DISTANCE!
  • Do not touch things outside your home, or at least keep this to a minimum. If you are shopping dont touch things you dont want to buy. I know!!! This is a hard one, we are so used to browsing and for many of us food shopping is one of the daily perks, but NOT RIGHT NOW.
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What the herbalist does

Since we cannot cure the actual disease we need to focus on what we can do. In all news reports they talk about underlying conditions. From the beginning this was focused around lung conditions but this has been extended to include heart conditions, diabetes, people on immune-system depressants, obesity, unfit and pretty much any other condition that affects us.

I believe this is where we should all focus. We should focus on treating our bodies better, and YES, we can all get better. This is the time to get stuck in with following the advice the dietitian gave you, this is the time to get your medication sorted out so that you don’t forget any of the medications you are given.

Lockdown for COVID-19 is scary for many people but use the time wisely, this may actually benefit you for years to come.

The virus – COVID-19

To prepare your own body for a possible battle with the corona virus, COVID-19, we first need to look at how the virus operates in the body. What we know is that it affects the lungs. In short as the virus progressively kills off cells in your lungs, the body will respond with inflammation, more fluid will collect in the lungs which will restrict the movement of the lungs and decrease the “amount” of lung available for oxygen uptake. As the body gets more and more deprived of oxygen. This leads to other organs becoming unable to perform their tasks – they will fail.

Areas to focus on in the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown

Bear in mind this is not a cure! This is a suggestion how to optimise health and hopefully stand a better chance in the fight against COVID-19.


The heart pumps the blood around your body. The heavier you are the more your heart needs to work. It is estimated that each pound of fat requires 2 miles of blood vessels to function, 2 MILES ( This should be an incentive to take this golden opportunity to loose a bit of flab. Picture this! 10lb =20 miles. Wowzers your heart is bouncing with joy!


The blood carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Optimise! Increase intake of dark green veg, these contain iron which is a building block of haemoglobin, the bit in the blood that carries the oxygen. Suggested herbs: Nettle (contains Iron and vit C).

Immune system:

The immune system helps fight the virus and helps the body to cope with the inflammation that will occur. Suggested herbs etc Echinacea, Nettle ( contains Silica which aids the immune system as well as mopping up toxins in the GI tract), Garlic, Zinc and Vit C.


Help the lungs get rid of sticky mucus and byproducts of inflammation. Suggested herbs: Garlic, Elderflower, Thyme. DID YOU KNOW??? You can help your lungs get better at oxygenating the blood by using them! Yep that’s right! You can increase the capacity of your lungs with aerobic exercise so walk a little faster and get that breathing going (

Lymphatic system:

The lymphatic system is the bodys’ own garbage disposal system, lymphatic fluid rich in lymphocytes, the white blood cells that are responsible for an immune response. The lymph also breaks down bacteria and other waste products created in for example inflammation. A good functioning lymphatic system helps your body defend itself. Suggested herb: Clivers

Gastro intestinal tract:

It is really really important to keep your guts happy! If the GI tract is out of balance it can lead to all sorts of complaints. In lockdown you are likely to sit down more that you would usually do, which may lead to constipation, so add fibre! Soluble fibre is to be preferred, a good source is linseed. Add 1 tablespoon of linseed to your cereal in the morning. Eat fresh fruit! Apples keep fairly long in the fridge. If you are limited to shopping opportunities try dried fruit, prunes, apricots and raisins. Suggested herbs: Nettle, Slippery elm bark and milk thistle (these herbs are not specific to constipation but caters for the overall wellbeing of the GI tract).

The Mind:

In testing times it is VERY important to keep a level head, it is easy to let the mind slip into a negative spiral. Keep occupied, meditate, do crosswords, read a book or start a craft. Suggested herb: Rose petals, lavender (for better sleep)

The herbs

If you are lucky enough to be able to pick some fresh herbs please do. A lot are coming through now and some can be really helpful at this time.

Use herbs in your daily cooking to help keep fit and healthy.


Nettle is the wonder herb! Nettles contains iron, vitamin C and silica. Iron and vit C will help if you feel a bit depleted after the winter. More specifically the iron is needed to produce haemoglobin which in turn carries oxygen around the body. Nettle makes a lovely tea, which is not too “herby”. You can also choose to make Nettle soup.


Clivers is the sticky herb that grows really fast. Perfect for the lymphatic system circulation. Use as a tea, again not too “herby”.


Garlic, in moderation, is good for practically “everything” and soo easy to incorporate in cooking. Make your own extra special garlic bread! Just mix a few cloves of garlic with butter and chopped up parsley. Spread on a few slices of bread and roast in the oven. Believe in magic? Place a garlic bulb over your front door to ward off disease.


The immune system herb! Choose wisely, do not use standardised extracts if you can help it, use the actual herb in tablet or tincture form.


A anti- pretty much everything herb. Used in hospitals in bygone years to disinfect. One of the most commonly used herbs for respiratory tract infections. Easy to include in cooking or drink as tea (a little more aromatic but still very pleasant). You can also go a little wild on this one and use it as a smudging herb. Tie a bunch of thyme sprigs tightly together, leave to dry. When completely dry it is ready to use! Light up then blow out the flame, let the smoke cleanse your space! If you do not fancy the DIY project you can use Thyme essential oil in an oil burner instead.


Roses are like a hug or a hand to hold when things get tough. Use rose petals in tea or potpourris.


Put some lavender flowers in a small muslin bag, put near your pillow for better sleep. You can also use Lavender essential oil.

When choosing herbs for yourself, please consult a herbalist for the best mix for you!

Tips to keep you healthy during the COVID-19 lockdown

  • Drink more water! Fill a 1 1/2 litre bottle with water every morning and drink it throughout the day. If you need taste, try to add lemon, lime, peppermint (the herb NOT the candy), cucumber, ginger or turmeric. There are lots more to try, be curious!
  • Take good care of that one outing a day, make it count. Play around with the time you go outside. Parks and streets fill up so try to avoid peak times. Try new routes, it can be interesting to first look at a map to make sure the route is ok then actually walk it. Stay safe! If you live alone try to find a virtual buddy and do not venture into sketchy parts of town that you are not familiar with.
  • Prepare food from scratch, the internet is jam packed with delicious recipes, try something new. Add fresh veg, easy things (and cheap) like carrot sticks, sliced peppers and tomatoes.
  • Meditate. A lot of people find this hard but it is just too beneficial to miss out on. There are a gazillion free guided meditations on Youtube or if you prefer, just the relaxing music or nature sounds. If you find it hard to still your mind you may find it easier to gaze into the flame of a candle. Remember! To become good at meditating takes time and a lot of practise so do not despair! Go for shorter variations in the beginning, 5 minutes or so.
  • Destress!!!! If you find it too hard to meditate try to sit down with a pen and paper. Make a list of all your worries, categorise them. Deal with the easy ones straight away, make a strategy on how to deal with the ones that have a solution but requires more time and put the difficult ones in a box. Know that that the worries are safe in the box and leave them there. Revisit the note regularly, you will notice that some of the difficult worries has solved themselves. “To worry about things you cannot change, is like taking poison and hoping the enemy will die” Jen Sincero.
  • Read a book. We are all so stuck with our electrical equipment. Give your brain a workout. A book gives you the inspiration to imagine!
  • Journaling, practise your drawing skills. This is a fun thing to do with the whole family. Go crazy – lots of inspiration on line (try pinterest).
  • Workout – take a workout class of your choice in the comfort of your own home.

Stay safe!

Fancy some more reading on how to deal with common ailments and getting healthier overall try these links:

Haemorrhoids/ piles – what to do!

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