echinacea and battling the flu
Healthier living

Fifth week – down and under.

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Result this week -1 kg (total -6.5 kg).

Healthy living and the flu…..

Trying to diet when you are knocked out by a flu super virus is not the easiest, but it is definitely possible and not as hard as you may think! What you have to prioritise is EASY. It needs to be easy to cook, easy to eat and nourishing at the same time. Your body really doesn’t need crappy food right now so go for some easy recipes and solutions. You will also need to keep your fluids up, supplement your water with warming cups of tea, try herbal blends with Chamomile and Echinacea. Try to limit the cups of tea or coffee with caffeine, your body needs rest! Not a pushy uplifting substance. Think serenity, anything else is simply not good for your heart.

The flu….
lemon peppermint water
Drink plenty of fluids. Add some lemon and pepper mint to your water for additional benefits!
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If you have the flu and go to the NHS, they will say, go home, stay warm, make sure you get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids as well. They are right, there is no sense trying to fill yourself with paracetamol, caffeine, ginseng and energy drinks. It is in fact not only senseless, it is also dangerous.

Comparing to the horse industry that recommends 3 weeks of taking it easy after a bout of the flu, also closing down stables whilst it lasts to stop spreading the virus. Humans are simply not loving of themselves and their children. Schools go against the NHS taking matter into their own hands, suggesting that children bring both antibiotics and calpol (paracetamol for kids) to school to be able to attend. What about the economy of that??? One kid goes to school with the flu, as a result the whole school gets infected, parents and siblings, grandparents, work mates etc etc. I think it is not only brainless to send sick children to school, it is also a threat to the economy.

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So what about the health implications? If you exert yourself whilst having the flu the infection will spread in your body, you will get weaker and the infection is also more likely to include your whole body. Disregarding the need for rest may consequently also give rise to long term effects on the heart. Is this really ok? Is it really ok to send children to school knowing that their long term health might be affected. No of course not! If you need to take paracetamol to fight a fever, this indicates you are not well and should stay at home, simple!!

Home remedies

There are some fabulous home remedies to fight a cold and a flu. It will still take time, but you could help your body with the fight! Take all herbal remedies as whole herb tinctures, teas or capsules. Generally standardised supplements only contain one active ingredient, using these will deprive your body of the full effect of the actual herb.

What to try…..

Echinacea purple coneflower in bloom.
Echinacea – the wonderful immune system booster.
  • Echinacea. The wonder flower. Echinacea is mainly known for its immune system boosting effects. This is though not the only effect. Echinacea is also a powerful antiseptic and anti inflammatory agent.
  • Vitamin C. A powerful anti oxidant. It will protect the cells of your body towards the oxidative stress caused by an infection. A healer on the cellular level. The body will find it easier to absorb supplements called Esther -C, look for capsules containing 900 mg or more. Double the dosage in an acute situation where your body needs more help.
  • Thyme. This is an old remedy that has been used extensively in healthcare before the entry of antibiotics. It was amongst others used to sterilise equipment. The main actions of Thyme is as an antibacterial and antiviral. Thyme can be included in your meals or used as a tea. Another way is to use the essential oil of Thyme, this is used to inhale, especially good when there is an infection in the respiratory tract / coughing. For those of you who are into smudging, thyme is an excellent choice when smudging a house where there has been disease.
  • Elder. Not just an old wife’s tale! Both Elder berries and Elder flowers are known as cold and flu remedies, and has been used as such for a long time. This is because they act as an expectorant and an anti inflammatory. Especially to lower fevers. Most common use of elder is elderberry syrup, certainly a delicious way to take medicine.
  • Manuka honey. Honey has been used for hundreds of years for its antibacterial properties. It is a classic home remedy for colds and the flu. The way you use it has an impact of how well it works. Many tips say that you should add honey to tea or hot milk. Whilst this might make a lovely drink, it is not effective as an antibacterial. The active ingredients disintegrate at temperatures above 40 C. Honey should therefor be taken cold. This is also why you should look for honey made without heat. Why Manuka? It does not have to be Manuka, but this adds to the antibacterial and healing properties.
  • Lemon. Often used for its anti inflammatory properties. Add Lemon to hot water and drink as tea. It may calm a sore throat and alleviate coughing.
  • Peppermint essential oil. Add a drop or two of Peppermint essential oil to a cup of hot water. Inhale the minty steam, this will help to open up your airways, this will make it easier to breathe. Do not overdose! The mint can get overpowering and even make you feel faint.
  • Extra…… According to Thomas Bartram (Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, 1998) As a World War 1 flu remedy, The American Eclectic School of physicians used a mixture of Lobelia, Gelsemium and Bryonia to successfully treat their patients, this mixture is though practitioner only due to potential toxicity.

The main thing is though, just as the NHS says. Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluid and you will eventually get better.

Getting better and staying focused
only good vibes. Stay focused on the goal and stay positive about it!!
Only positive vibes allowed!! Stay Focused.

Since hard physical exercise is out of the question, we will have to look for other areas that need our attention. It is time to make sure the soul gets the attention it needs. It is important to keep the vibration high and continue to see your goal in front of you. Find your favourite motivational speaker!

There are an abundance of speakers readily available on YouTube, for free! My personal favourites are Tony Robbins, Oprah, The Secret, Bob Proctor etc. Too many to mention them all. Do listen and reflect, get to know your own blocks, is it money, health, happiness or indeed weight?! Often we are quite negative about ourselves and this affects our whole life. It is all about breaking a pattern that drags us down. Times when you are feeling low because of sickness or something else it is very easy to loose focus. YOU are worth so much more! Do not let yourself down, do not eat those extra cookies or chocolate, just don’t!!!! You have got your goal set, let’s get there!!! STAY FOCUSED.

So a good exercise for this week is to listen to one motivational speaker a day, talking about an area you feel bad about and write down the change you would like to make! Promise yourself that you will succeed and do not let yourself down! You are worthy!!

This week wrapped up

I am very happy with my weight loss, another kilo off. The health benefits are clearly visible and my clothes are so much more comfortable now that they actually fit. I am starting to smell the lovely scent of success and I am fully determined to win! There are no excuses not to!

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Sixth week – holidays!

A new healthier you!!! The journey begins.

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