pool water
Healthier living

First week

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So! How did I do in my quest for healthier living?

Week 1: -2,7kg (total -2,7kg)

The first week of healthier living went really well, a lot of things fell into place and towards the end of the week I could feel the first health benefits which made me absolutely delighted.

The Gym Card

freedom leisure membership card. The key to a healthier version of me
My first ever monthly gym card. I’m a bit proud of myself. I mean business!! I am going to become a healthier version of me!

I bought my very first Monthly Gym Card!!!
First thing on my list; get a Gym card. I have the great pleasure of having a sensational Gym nearby which includes as well as the actual gym both a 25 m swimming pool and an array of different classes (note to self – must try one).


I went swimming once the first week and surprised myself by clocking up 48 lengths – that’s 1200 meters. Have not done that since high school at least a thousand years ago. My shoulder was seriously painful the first half of the session but it thankfully gave up and it all felt better as the lengths flew by.

Investments were minimal for my swimming adventure, i did have a 20 year old swimsuit that just will have to do for a while along with a pair of goggles but i did invest in a cap. One of those really stretchy ones. Hair is out of the way and it makes it feel more determined. Like i mean business. A little bit of pretending is good, being Mr Phelps for that hour in the pool, fighting for that Olympic medal might just push you to try just a little harder. For me the cap does just this, for that hour I am Stina the swimmer!

Strolling home after the session my legs felt like jelly. But I felt great! Wow! I had made it, the very first step into the world of fitness.

The Actual Gym

woman oozing of confidence running. this represents a healthier version of me
Anything will do BUT getting some well fitting perfect for purpose top""“>top will boost your confidence and keep you on track to a healthier you! (Image by Pexel).

First time in the Gym I was a bit apprehensive to say the least. Big mirrors show you exactly every inch of your unwanted jelly bits. Yes, I wore a pair of lycra bottoms but had opted for an oversized hoodie on top just to keep the bits to myself. Don’t feel i need to be reminded of the amount of weeks I need to get to my goal. Focus on the now! Yes there were a few of those “the Rock” wannabees, all very nice and helpful I might add. To my delight there were quite a few of the ordinary you and me’s as well, of all ages! Amaze yourself! Say something to someone! Start a conversation, this is jogging for the mind as well as the body.

Free introductory session

Most gyms include a introductory session free of charge, use this opportunity even if this is not your first time in a Gym. Ask questions, do not feel embarrassed. Ask what to do to specifically target your problem area. Start off slow, no weights and plenty of stretching afterwards. If you feel unsure of how to stretch, ask an instructor for help, it is worth a 15 min session with a personal trainer (mmmm i like the sound of it) to get it right. Personal trainer, it might sound on the luxurious side and thereby costly. Sure there are the the expensive range of PT’s but there are also great ones with prices to suit most. Another option is to download an app, there are several free ones. The good thing with these is that you get the pacing as well, how long to stretch each part.


Bring a notebook. Note the settings of each machine, what weight did you use? How many repetitions. Firstly this just makes it easier for next time, secondly it also shows how you get stronger and are able to cope better. This can be your get healthier notebook, add results, jot down your measurements, make notes of your favourite breakfast. If you are more techy there’s an app for this too! I’m using the Notebook on my Iphone, perfect! You can include pictures, drawings, voice recordings and even add attachments.


Yes I have been a grazer, on top of that I did realise that I did not drink enough. So as it is winter I have upped my tea consumption. Too much black tea is not brilliant though so have a rule that at least every other cup has to be a herbal version. You are bound to find your favourite amongst the lovely blends available. If you want something tea like such as Nettle or Vervain. Amazon has a great selection pack of Pukka Organic Herbal Tea Bags, take a walk on the wild side and give it a go!

Watch the bread

Next little downfall for me is bread. I just love carbs! Bread, pasta, pizza etc etc. I have been quite radical here, I have almost cut them out! A big almost…… I do have a piece of high fibre, no sugar cracker bread with my breakfast and I do have my evening treat.

Sugar has had to go as well, no sugary treats, no sweets, no cake. There is more than one reason to cut the intake of white sugar to a minimum. Sugar is one of those things you can quite easily get hooked on, and getting off it can be very tricky, even give rise to withdrawal symptoms. If you are a sugar junkie, reduce the sugar over some weeks.

Moreover, sugar is also the fuel of inflammation, you can get inflammation anywhere in the body, it is a natural response, sometimes the inflammation gets chronic and can lead to more serious disease such as cancer. Sugar, fatty foods, stress etc etc can lead to inflammations like this along with certain virus and bacteria. This is a huge subject and a post in its own right. However its worth keeping the basics in mind when you pursue your goals of healthier eating habits.

Typical menu:

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1-2 slices of Sugar free, high fibre cracker bread. pinch of salt and pepper, cress.

Lunch: Fruit, apple, orange and banana.

Dinner: Cod in foil (fillet of cod topped with tomato, chopped salad onion, dill, salt and pepper) served with green beans and a salad (optional potato if you want to keep a few carbs and feel hungry).

Before bed: This is my naughty spot, however this has worked for me in the past so i’m sticking to it: 1 bowl of Fruit and Fibre with semi skimmed milk. Having this bowl calms me and I also sleep a lot better if i do not feel hungry. for me this is something to look forward to, a treat. Yes, due to the raisins and dried banana there’s some sugar in this cereal. Having said that this still counts as a fairly healthy treat in my books.

Snacks. This is a downfall for me, it is easy to say oh just one and you end up having 10 writing it off as just a little snack (10 cookies may be well over the 1000 calories you are aiming for in a day). Due to my inability to resist that next one I have just made myself some carrot sticks, celery works as well. These are for when i just have to have something.

New recipes!

There is nothing like a new cookery book! Try new flavours and ways to cook. Don’t only rely on making your old recipes but without the calories, healthier substitutes might not do the job. It is difficult and in some instances impossible to get it to taste as good. Instead try something new!! Go to your library and look at cookery books you would not normally entertain. Buy one, make this your treat for starting on this journey.

Why not try one of these books written by the clean eating Swedish Health Guru Fredrik Paulún who is regularly featured on Swedish television and best selling healthy eating author:

Health benefit

The main thing i have noticed this week is less bloating, my IBS is definitely better. I feel less like a Pot Bellied pig by the day and by the end of the first week I could actually bend down to tie my shoe laces without feeling like a dying wreck. I could comfortably do it! I’m on top of the world!!!!!

All in all! Concluding the week.

This week has gone really well. I feel energised full of want to continue on my quest. Spurred on by the result, -2,7 kg, I’m eager to take on week number two of the challenge. I am a healthier version of me, I have taken my first step. See you all in a weeks time!!

Get to the start of the series!

Healthier January

Second Week

Food as medicine


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