Money spell



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Money spell – your road to abundance

Feel you are trying your hardest but that extra money is not coming your way? Maybe you are blocking the path?! Most people stand in their own way when it comes to riches, the truth is that there is more than enough for all of us. We are all entitled to wealth, the only thing we need to do is ask and show gratitude. This Money spell might be the thing for you.

Can a money spell help me?

This spell pack contains all you need to cast a spell.It will help you to get in the right frame of mind to ask for the Eternal stream of Abundance to run straight to you. The detailed description will guide you through this spell, you will use a crystal, a selection of herbs and spices, a candle etc. All items has been charged with both Reiki and wiccan energy and are ready for you to use.

How do i make sure the spell is effective?

To perform this money spell you will need a quiet corner where you can do your spell work undisturbed. This can be both indoors and outdoors, some prefer to do this spell outdoors near a stream preferably with rocks and moss nearby. Deep green colour is together with gold the main colours of abundance. Indoors is absolutely fine though.

Your first task is to get into the right frame of mind, you need to clear your brain from the “white noise”, the everyday thoughts that buzz through your head. This is done by meditation. When you meditate try to see white golden light surrounding your body, feel lighter and embrace joy. If you feel you just cannot focus, a bath might help, we recommend adding a Clear Channel Psychic bath bag to your bath to further help you relax and focus. When you feel ready it is time to start the spell work.

Amazon Audible link

Casting a circle

Casting a circle can be done with the salt (included in the pack), if you are working indoors i prefer to cast the circle on a tabletop and then work within the circle. If you are outdoors you might want to cast a large circle so that you can walk around inside the circle, maybe even perform the spell as a group. Mark out North, South, West and East. Call in your helpers, this can be spirits, guides, gods,angels, faeries, saints or any other beings of your choice. Now follow the instructions in the guide, if you are asking for anything specific please add this in the same manor. Finish your spell work by thanking your helpers and show them gratitude. It is a good thing to contemplate the spell looking at the flame of the candle until it burns out on its own. Always beware of the risk of fire when dealing with open flames.

Blessed be!!

Some contents of the money spell bundle
Money Spell

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Truth Spell

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