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Blackberries – the gold of autumn

This time of the year Ireland´s, and of course most of Europe’s, hedgerows are full of gold. A black gold that helps us put a spring in our step and remind us what Nature is capable of giving us if only we look a little bit closer.

Treat yourself to some hedgerow foraging! Blackberries can be found in abundance right now and there are lots of things you can do with them, make sure to freeze some to prepare later.

There are lots of tasty treats that can be made with blackberries, from the easiest of jams to quick crumbles, tangy chutneys and icecreams with a twist.

Gorgeous clusters of ripening blackberries
Big juicy blackberries! Get picking.

Blackberries and your health

Blackberries are not just super tasty, they are also super beneficial to our health. Their dark purple colour indicates a high antioxidant content. Antioxidants fight off free radicals. Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with a spare electron, this makes them very reactive and therefore also potentially harmful. Free radicals have been linked with diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Blackberries also contain vitamins, minerals and lots of fibre.

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Hedgerow Foraging

Don’t wait too long! Blackberries are such a superfood so don’t miss out. Get your wellies on and wear clothes suitable for a bit of a battle! Wild-growing blackberries or brambles have lots of thorns so be careful not to get too hurt! Some scrapes and pricks are almost unavoidable especially when you get into it and spot one of those extra big and juicy berries high up somewhere.

Find some hedgerows away from the main road and start picking. Always remember! Take what you need but not in greed. Leave some berries for hungry birds and other foragers. Don’t forget the picnic basket! Make a day of it and enjoy the countryside.

Blackberries in a wicker basket
Wicker baskets are great for picking blackberries, but you can also use buckets or bags.

Preparing your blackberries

Give your berries a quick rinse and remove any debris. Decide what to do with your haul. Well-ripened wild blackberries are often very sweet. To get the taste to flourish it is a good idea to add lemon juice to your jam. Apples can also help bring out that lovely taste (use cooking apples with a higher acidity).

Remember that the winter is long and it sure is a good idea to freeze some berries for fresh treats all year round. Use small ziplock bags or tubs for ease or go all in and lay your berries out on trays, freeze them and once frozen put them in bigger tubs to be able to scoop out the right amount when needed. Shake the tub after a few hours to make sure the berries keep separated.

If you missed the blackberry season, don’t worry! There is always next year or the fruit section in your local supermarket.

Recipes with Blackberries

You can add blackberries to an abundance of things. Here are some great ideas (recipes will be added).



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