Galen teaching his version of medicine, a mixture of science and art
Holistic approach to common ailments

Galen, a medical trailblazer.

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Is medicine art or science?

You may think I have gone all potty , but think about it for a second. In some languages, medicine is called “the art of healing”. Where does that expression come from and furthermore is it something we need to contemplate moving forward?

A long time ago when the medical profession as we know it was still in its cradle, a man called Galen, was the man to follow. He was a physician and a philosopher. This may not be a combo modern scholars would consider, yet when you think about it, it makes total sense. He focused a lot of his work on the mind – body connection and on logic. Outlining philosophies on medicines, herbs and how the mind can influence the outcome of thealing effort.

Healing according to Galen

Looking at healing in a fuller perspective, we can see how everything is connected. Are we too tied up in solving the presenting problem rather than the underlying cause. I’m in total awe over what medicine can resolve today, but are we stuck? After trying to find the logic behind many prescriptions of today I do believe science and art yet again need to come together to solve the big medical questions out there.

Galen teaching at his Medical school

Coming together

Medicine have reached levels we could only dream of years ago, but could it be truly fabulous with the input of Philosophy? Or perhaps even better with the input of creative art, herbal medicine and other alternative practices.

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Medicine isn’t just white pills it is what we eat, how we think and act. Everything we do plays a part in healing and the effort to stay well for longer.

I would love for this to happen! Everyone coming together to create the medicine of tomorrow. Coming together for the greater good of medicine and humanity rather than the segregation of today only thinking of financial gain.

Is it only a dream or could it become a reality?

If you want to learn more about Galen and his healing philosophy I would recommend “Galen on the Natural Faculties”.


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