weightloss weightgain
Healthier living

Eighth week – HELP!!!

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Weight loss this week. Not so much, there was a weight gain +0,3kg (total -7,1 kg)

What went wrong?

No,no,no,no, absolutely no need to worry. Having said that it is time to review the situation and find the reasons why the weight loss has slowed down. It is easy for some previously well established patterns sneak back into our lives without us really noticing anything. There are many things to consider. Sit down with a piece of paper and jot down areas where you might not have been as good as you wanted to. Then make a plan on how to rectify these problems.

Questions to ask yourself:
  • Do you drink enough water?
  • Do you get enough exercise?
  • Are you using your calorie book?
  • Are you “treating” yourself to too many calorific treats?
  • Do you simply eat too much even if what you eat is pretty healthy?
  • Has your focus shifted away from your goals?
  • Is your willpower running out?
  • Do you get enough quality sleep?
  • Do you feel well in yourself? Illness makes it more difficult to keep focused and eat the right things.
  • Are you counting drinks calories? Juices, lemonade and alcoholic beverages all contain a lot of calories. These need to be counted and added as well
  • Did you think that you can eat goodies every day just because of that week you ate a chocolate bar but did not gain weight? Remember that things might not happen straight away. Both weight gain and weight loss may happen with time delay.
  • Is your exercise regime too rigorous? If you exercise at a too high intensity your body might go into defence mode and hold back on calorie expenditure.
  • Same thing happens when you eat absolutely nothing, the body goes into economy mode not to waste any unnecessary energy (read calories).
  • Are you building muscle? Your body is changing and you are likely to experience fluctuations in weight.
  • Stressed?


This is where you will need to be completely honest with yourself! It is no point lying to yourself, pretending it is a big conspiracy against you and your body simply cannot shed any weight just does not make sense. You made a decision to live a healthier life, now stick to it! The saying “You got to be cruel to be kind” works here!!

Drink more water. Lack of water can be the reason why weight loss stalls or turns into weight gain
Drink more water! Lack of water can be the reason why weight loss turns into weight gain!
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A big problem, and this is certainly one of mine, is not drinking enough water. Water keep our bodies working well, muscle and pretty much every other part of the body do not work as well when dehydrated. Thirst is also often mistaken for hunger, if you start to feel peckish do try to drink a large glass of water. Do put a little flair into the way you serve the water, a slice of lemon, some mint leaves and ice cubes. Make it luxurious! Also remember to always bring a water bottle, make it your priority to zip water throughout the day. You will feel so much better and brighter if you stick to this one. Make sure you drink water! Alcoholic beverages, soda, juices and milk all contain calories that need to be counted into your daily ration. 1dl of orange juice equals 45 kcal, a normal glass holds 2,5dl, so a glass would then be 125kcal, it might not sound much but it all adds up.

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Going over to alcohol, this is a real diet buster! 1 dl is 83kcal and a full bottle about 640 kcal, and this is dry wine, sweeter options hold a lot more. Try to control your intake, limit to 1 small glass or alternatively just drink alcohol at special occasions (and special occasions refer to once or twice a month tops).


Make sure you plan your shopping, if you have not yet tried it, do online shopping. This may turn out cheaper and more organised. Go through your cupboards, clean out over the date by years stuff. Put the things you shouldn’t eat regularly, like chocolate and cookies) in treat boxes (alternatively get rid of it). If you are trying to save money at the same time, try to incorporate things you have into healthy meals. Once you have cleared your kitchen from unhealthy items, keep it that way. It is easy to think, but o it is going so well I can start treating myself with food. No sorry this does not work, treat yourself with walks and beautiful water instead. If you are feeling extravagant, treat yourself to a facial or a massage.

You owe it to yourself to be the best you can ever be.
Be awesome! You owe it to yourself to be the best you can ever be!

Willpower will not prop you up for weeks on end, it only last so long. Weight loss takes time, and you have to find your reasons. You need to figure out your why’s. Why do you want a slimmer healthier life? Do the exercise described in the last post. Make sure you can feel inside how it feels to be slim, fit, healthy and just plain awesome!

Write a list of things you have already achieved, look at photos of you before you started and compare to now. There is a difference. You rock!! Take your measurements! It is not just about kilos, it is about centimetres and inches as well.

Do not listen to your envious friends. They might tell you that you are failing and you might as well stop. Or they might insist you take that piece of cake even if you really don’t want to. Learn to say NO! Hold your head high and straighten your back. This is your life, and if you want to be awesome, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t.

Listen to motivational speakers! Youtube has loads to offer. My personal favourite at the moment is Jen Sincero, she tells you how it is, no fluff. Be the fabulous new you!


Have you got stuck? Make a plan! Try some new things. For this coming week I have entered some exercise classes, Yoga and Pilates. I am a bit scared i can’t do the movements but hey, trying is what counts.

Are you walking regularly, on a daily basis? did you try out the viewranger or endomondo apps. Yep there is even a possibility that chasing Pokemons is something that will get you out of the house. Other things to get engaged in are geocaching, ramblers groups, 5k runs/walks for a good cause. There are endless possibilities. Exercise is one of those things that you can get addicted to. It might be hard to get out of that sofa, put the wellies on and go out in the pouring rain, once out it feels great! Embrace it! “I’m singing in the rain…!” (Nacio Herb Brown).


Sleep is a very important, this is when the body heals and rests its organs to cope another day. Not only can tiredness make you hungry, exhaustion can also lead to the body stockpiling energy and holding on to the reserves it has got.

Stress and disease

When we fall ill we often fall out of our healthy patterns, try to add fruit instead of sweets. If you feel up to it do some simple stretching exercises. Work on your mind, meditate. Allow yourself to sleep, relax and heal yourself.

Stress is almost like a disease, for some time it has almost been counted as prestigious to be stressed and tired. I would like to refer to Jen Sincero here. In her book You are a Badass, she talks about if something out of the ordinary happens, that you cannot rule over, there is always time. Lack of time is an illusion and something you can alter. If you are constantly stressing from one thing to the next, allow yourself 30 minutes of planning your time. Can you skip something? Can you do things in another order so that you save time. What is actually so important that you have to compromise your own health?

None of the above

If you after scrutinising yourself and being completely honest, you cannot think of anything you do wrong. You may be absolutely right! Sometimes the body gain a little weight just to plummet next week. Your body might need to get used to the new you. The reasons for stalled or reversed weight loss are endless. Do not get too stressed about small glitches. Look up and continue on your path.

Always remember that you are an awesome creature who deserve the very best!

Have a great week

Stina Harvidsson

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