Healthier living

Keep going – Third week

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Weight loss: -0.9 kg (total -4,5 kg)

Definitely going in the right direction!!! 4.5 kg that’s about 2 4 pint bottles of milk, try carry them around for a day. This is a very good way of boosting your confidence, measure up your total weight loss in a bag and fill it as you go! This was the third week and it was hard for sure! Body seemed tired and exercise definitely was harder. But onwards and upwards!!!


Motivation might seem to lack a bit a few weeks into your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. The first benefits spurred you on but now the realisation hits you! There`s another 20 kg to go and at this rate it is going to be a slow process at the very best.


Get a grip! This is it! This is the one time you are going to solve the lifestyle, health, weight issue once and for all. You owe it to yourself. Focus your mind on what you want to achieve, put it into pictures and pin them to your wall. My pictures? I have got a few…. The young Bo Derek running at the beach in the movie 10 – and yes shes still stunning. Halle Berry walking out of the water as Jinx in the James Bond Movie “Die Another Day”. Both ladies fresh, sporty, toned and very healthy looking. I have also got my eyes on the all American look of Jeans, white T-shirt, belt with a buckle and a pair of Converse hightops. Blond healthy looking hair ruffled up in the wind… Yes I’m going to get there, I can feel that salty wind against my cheek and the sound of the waves crashing against that beautiful beach. It may seem like a far away goal but I hold on to the feeling! Already the current clothes has a looser fit. Come on! A healthier lifestyle is within reach, you are sooo worth it. Actually, you owe it to yourself!

Keep the dream of a healthier life alive
Keep the dream of a healthier life alive!!
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Obesity is connected to a lot of detrimental diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc. It is also putting your body harder at work every day. Just think for every additional kg of fat, first of all the pure weight of it! Think of your hips and knees having to support it. But also think of all the tiny little blood vessels that are needed to keep that fat tissue alive. Did you know that each kg of fat needs 7 miles of tiny vessels to function. That is 7 miles further that the heart needs to pump the blood. That is a massively long way. Just as a comparison, how long does it take you to walk 7 miles? Think of this when the cravings set in. Is it really responsible? Are you really your body’s best friend if eat another chocolate bar? How about swapping it for an apple?

Amazon Audible link

Often when we battle weight issues we let ourselves go. Maybe the weight increase is linked to difficult or heartbreaking spell in your personal life. If you are experiencing this you will also nod when I say it is real common that we loose our confidence, our self worth, we do not feel the point in doing anything as everything is just tumbling around us. Our clothes don’t fit anymore, money is tight so nothing new can be bought. We tend to allow ourselves to stay in pj’s all day, lets face it, pj’s might be the only thing that fits! We never wear any shapely clothes, old ones does not fit and no money for new ones. We are just trying to hide behind big jumpers and baggy pants. Lets turn this around! Do it for you. There are a lot of small things that make a huge difference.

No , maybe no one is ever going to notice that you shaved your armpits this morning. But hey, you are wrong! YOU know if you did and that will give you a sense of achievement, increase your confidence. A sense of taking control. A new body will soon appear lets couple it up with a new soul! It doesn’t have to cost a lot, most things are free.

11 things to make you feel better!
  1. Shave your armpits (believe me! this is a big thing).
  2. Pluck those nasty hairs on your chin (yep most of us have them)
  3. Wash your hair and give it a blow dry. Try to style it a little. Up-do’s can be uplifting.
  4. Give yourself a DIY facial.
  5. Moisturise more, cant be emphasised enough.
  6. Sort your wardrobe out. Match things up. Wash things that need washing and throw things that need throwing. If there is anything to give away, take it to a charity shop. You never know Karma might help you with something! If economy is tight, why not try ebay! A pound here and a pond there…. If you are hiding behind baggy clothes try to keep it to either upper or lower body. Match a baggy jumper with skinny jeans. Or a pair of baggy trouser with a slim top.
  7. Cook yourself a proper meal. At least once a week cook a fancy meal that requires a little more love than what you normally eat.
  8. Set the table! Dine out at home.
  9. Start de-cluttering, get rid of one item per day.
  10. Listen to a positive thinking video on youtube every day.
  11. If you have got a past that is troubling you, you might want to try our “Cleansing fire” exercise.

These might seem like small things but they sure can make a big difference. The good thing about feeling a little better is that it sparks the possibility of feeling a lot better. Remember that notebook, jot down positive things that has happened on your journey to a healthier life. Always remember, in your life, you are the most important person in the world!

Wrap up the week

I cant deny that week 3 is a difficult one. This is where most people give up, not me and not you, but other people. Embrace the positives, 4.5kg that’s wonderful, that is 31,5 miles less blood vessels needed. Wow my heart must like me! Food wise I have stuck to my trusted ingredients. Allowed ones that I know are low calorie, with a great filling effect. I could have exercised more but I did some and I will get better again. Have a fabulous time and see you again next week.

If you have missed something….

Fourth week – stay focused

A journey to a healthier life begins!

First Week

Second Week


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