Magicals and self development,  Spells

Spellwork – how to prepare

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Spell work – getting started

Want to bring your visualizations to the next level? Want to cement your intentions and make them come true? Maybe, just maybe spells are something for you. Spell work is not something to be afraid of, the intention should never be to harm anyone or anything. There are some easy steps to follow below, but before you start, think of what intention you have. Always word it in a positive way.

Spell work and how to excel at performing it.

The first thing you need to practice is visualization (you will find more on this in a separate post shortly), the other thing is meditation, the art of clearing your mind. I refer to the catchphrase of the game Mastermind “A minute to learn, a lifetime to master”, don’t worry, practice makes perfect, dive in and enjoy the journey.

Cleanse and charge your crystals in preparation for spell work
Cleanse and charge your crystals


Herbs, crystals, tools, work space and you need to cleanse. It is important to wash away unwanted energies, negativity and “leftovers” from prior spells, healings etc. If you buy fresh herbs, hold them under running water, visualizing how all negative energy is flushed away. If you grow your own herbs organically you may wish to harvest just after rain when the herbs are naturally cleansed. Another way of cleansing and charging herbs is exposing them to moonlight, which both cleanses and charges. The sun does the same but for herbs the sunlight is too strong and will eat away of the herbs own energy.

Crystals and tools can also be cleansed with running water, do remember your hands, you can pick up any amount of bad vibes when you are out and about. A good practice is to wash your hands first thing when you get home.

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Dried herbs and water soluble crystals can be cleansed in the moonlight or by using salt, either put herbs or crystals straight onto a bed of salt or put them in a clean glass that you then place on the bed of salt, after use dispose of the salt.



A very strong and powerful source of energy which can be used to charge crystals. Be aware that lengthy exposure to sunlight can fade the colour of your crystals. Sunlight gives a very powerful charge and a very clear energy, perfect if it is clarity you are seeking.


Moonlight is a good source for charging most things, it gives a gentler more magical energy than the sun. The moon is also a more potent source for spell work and other mystical purposes.


A very potent way of charging, you channel your energy and the energy of your spirit guides into the object. This will also help you focus on the work ahead. Whilst you handle the object say: ” I charge this (name of herb/crystal/other object) through the eternal power of the Universe to bring (state magical purpose) into my life (or whoever the spell is intended for) So mote it be!

Remember to be clear with your intentions, only use positive sentences, the Universe cant understand no or don’t. If you want something, be clear! Do not say trying, if you use such words, try is all you will ever do. Feel good about your desires! You deserve all the very best, these desires may rub off on family and friends. If it doesn’t you may experience that some friends no longer will walk your path. Do not worry, new friends that are more aligned with your path will appear. Practice to say your intentions out loud! Be friends with the Universe. And finally remember. DO NOT HURT ANYONE OR SEND ANY ILL MEANING THOUGHTS ONTO OTHERS.


I believe that you should practice chanting but this is an alternative and complement. Visualize a white golden light surrounding and filling you and the object. Channel the light into the object that then will receive the power of the Universe.


Use a large crystal or better still a cluster upon which you place your cleansed herbs or crystals, and leave them there for a few hours. Quartz is a powerful natural charger which can raise the energy and amplify the powers of the object charged. Quartz is especially helpful when you are working as a healer or want to perform a spell to send health to someone.

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